
Terms of Use

0.本使用規範條款將對您使用 318.io 以及附屬網域名稱等所屬網站(以下簡稱「本網站」)的使用行為施予條件與限制,您必須同意本使用規範內容,方可使用本網站;您對本網站各項資訊進行瀏覽與使用的行為,視為同意本使用規範。

0. These terms of use impose conditions and restrictions to your use of 318.io and all of its sub-domains (hereafter the Website). By using or accessing the Website, you agree to abide by these terms.

1. 本網站的設置目的在於保存當代事件的文物紀錄,供作學術研究使用,並以此強健大眾對事件的記憶。您已了解使用本網站及其所呈現的各類數位資源、資料與資訊(以下簡稱「內容」)時,可能受到台灣或其他國家法律規範的限制,並同意須自行承擔法律上的使用風險與責任。此等法律規範包括但不限於著作權法與個人資料保護法,您同意在遵守相關法律規範的限制下使用這些內容,並在前述學術性、公益性前提之下,使用本網站之內容。使用本網站所有內容時,您不得侵害他人仍受保護的著作權利,並僅得在合理使用的範圍內使用。

1.The Website was set up to preserve the artifacts of a modern event for the purpose of conducting academic research as well as deepening the collective memory of the public about the event. You are fully aware that use of all the digital resources, data and information (hereafter the Contents) on the Website is subject to the applicable laws and regulations of Taiwan and possibly other countries, and agree to be personally responsible for all the legal risks and liabilities. These laws and regulations include but are not limited to copyright laws and personal information protection act. By using or accessing the Contents, you agree to only use them for academic purposes and the public well-being, and agree to abide by those aforementioned laws and regulations. Your use of the Contents must not infringe copyrights that are still under protection, and should be within reasonable ground.

2. 本網站部分內容已宣告貢獻至「公眾領域」(Public Domain),或採用「創用 CC 授權條款」(Creative Commons Licenses),您在了解且同意這些授權方式之後,即可更自由地,在著作權及其鄰接權的層次,於其條款的容許範圍內,使用這些被授權的內容。

2. Parts of the Website have been dedicated to the public domain or have been released under Creative Commons licenses. After understanding and agreeing to the terms of these licenses, you may use these licensed contents within the terms of the licenses.

3. 您了解本網站的內容未必正確或完整,且本網站並不對此作任何保證。您亦了解並同意本網站的設置者、服務提供者、中央研究院以及所屬單位,對您因使用本網站及其上內容的行為,而可能衍生的任何損失,不負任何責任。

3. You are aware that the Contents might not be accurate or complete, and the Website will not be held liable to the use of the Contents. You also understand and agree that the website host, the service provider of the Webiste, Academia Sinica, and all its affiliates are not to be held liable to any possible loss resulting from your use of the Website and the Contents.

4. 您了解本網站內容有些可能涉及他人的形象、隱私或其他權利。使用本網站內容,您同意遵守以下事項:
(1) 不得侵犯任何人的形象權或隱私權;
(2) 不能引起民事或刑事上的糾紛;
(3) 不得蒐集儲存任何人的個人資料;
(4) 不得對任何人進行騷擾、威脅、或其他不當行為。

4. You understand that some of the Contents involve the right of publicity, the right to privacy as well as other rights of individuals. By using or accessing the Contents, you agree to abide by the following terms:
(1) Not to infringe the right of publicity or the right to privacy of any individual;
(2) Not to cause civil or criminal disputes;
(3) Not to collect and store personal data of any individual;
(4) Not to commit harassment, threat or other misconducts on any individual.

5. 您了解本網站可隨時對內容另做選擇、編排與呈現。您可聯繫本網站對內容提出意見,但了解本網站受限於人力或其他因素,未必能即時回應您的意見。

5. You understand that the Website may re-arrange the Contents and present them differently at any time. You may contact the Website in regard to the Contents, but you understand that the Website may not be able to provide a prompt feedback due to limited manpower or other reasons.

6. 本網站可能會自動識別並儲存您的 IP 位址、網域名稱,以及您造訪本網站所會產生的各類資訊。本網站也可能使用 cookies 或其他方法,追蹤分析您使用本網站的方式。這些紀錄僅供網站管理內部作流量的了解,或個別使用者是否存有惡意使用行為的分析。

6. The Website may automatically identify and record your IP address, domain names, as well as other information involved in your access to the Contents. Cookies might be used to keep a track of how you use or access the Website. All these records are for internal use of the Website so as to better manage network traffic and to identify possible malicious use only.

7. 未經預告之下,本網站可隨時終止提供服務,或視需要適時修改本使用規範。您了解並同意本網站將不針對前述所做的變動另行通知。

7. The Website may terminate all its services or modify the terms of use without prior notice. You understand and agree that no further notice from the Website is required for any of the above