關於我們 — 318公民運動文物紀錄典藏庫簡述

About the 318 Civil Movement Archive

緣起 Origin




Isn’t the Wild Lily Student Movement an event of importance in the history of Taiwan?
What happened to the giant metal replica of wild lily after the movement came to an end?
It is commonly believed that the giant replica was later transported back to the Chinese Culture University for storage, but was at last disassembled and sent to the recycling field.
Just a few days after the 318 Civil Movement took place, based on the number of participants and the influences it had exerted in various aspects, we came to a conclusion that this would become an event of great importance to the Taiwanese society. More importantly, many interesting “artworks” were created by the participants at the legislative chamber and its perimeter to express their thoughts and beliefs. We therefore began our effort in ensuring the preservation of these historical materials.
In the final days of the movement, preliminary approval was granted by the Institute of History and Philology, the Institute of Taiwan History and the Institute of Sociology (Academia Sinica) so that a temporary storage area was secured. With the support from the faculty members and students from the Department of History and the Department of Anthropology of National Taiwan University and those from Taipei National University of the Arts, many of the art creations were moved to Academia Sinica, where a digitization project ensued. The Institute of Information Science and the Research Center for Information Technology Innovation of Academia Sinica, as well as the Academia Sinica Digital Center, also provided supports to this project. Two young start-ups, Digital Memory, Asia and Word Gleaner, were also invited to take a part. In order to commemorate the anniversary of the movement, we officially and publicly launched this digital archive system on March 19, 2015. A participatory exposition website based on the archive was setup at the same time; everyone is invited to explore the archive.

影音檔案的徵集 Acquisition of Audiovisual Media


目前我們已徵集了約 800 個小時的數位影音檔案,解析度約在480 x 352到1280 x 800之間,檔案數量與總時數也持續增加中,這些檔案包含了立法院內的直播影音檔,以及立法院周邊(濟南路、青島東路、中山南路,鎮江街及其他零散的地點)的集會演說錄影不等。這些直播檔案品質時有參差,乃是因現場網路不穩定或是設備出狀況,但這也忠實呈現了運動的本質與面貌。

Besides the materials collected from the Legislative Yuan Chamber, we also went out and acquired audio, video, and image files that were spontaneously made by the general public during the 318 movement. These “born digital” materials recorded what had happened since the first day of the movement. However, they were mostly stored at either online media platforms (where they were at the risk of being removed at any time), or personal hard drive or web storage (where they could be erased or forgotten as time goes by). As artifacts from civil movements are being digitized in this internet age, the huge amount of digitized records available also poses a challenge to those of us who are trying to preserve historical data. Due to time constraint and limited budget, we are unable to unconditionally collect all the audiovisual media files, but can only at now focus on the collection of video recordings that were made on-site. We hope that people may relive this event by viewing these videos, which may also be used by researchers as first-hand historical materials.

As of today, we have collected approximately 800 hours of audiovisual files, where the video resolution ranging from 480x352 to 1280x800. Our collection continues to grow, and it includes videos and photos taken from inside the chamber as well as those from the perimeters (Jinan Road, Qingdao E. Road, Zhongshan S. Road, Zhenjiang Street and other scattered locations). The quality of these videos again varies, due to the internet connection quality on-site when they were streamed live or the equipment at hand. However, we believe that this is also an honest portrayal of the movement itself.

檔案的使用 Use of the Archive

議場內的文物搬運到中研院之前,我們與代表性的運動者表達史料保存的目的,也獲得其同意與祝福。這些文物來自四方,創作者眾,時間緊迫下實無可能逐一考察,於徵求原作者意願後才進行保留。我們將其集中保存並進行數位化,固然有研究和文物典藏的目的,但也祈望藉此更加深化公眾記憶。目前這些文物已逐件進行高解析度數位化工作,並提供檔案縮圖在此網站供大眾瀏覽。現階段將啟動指認與授權的功能,供著作人能線上填寫授權聲明書,讓高解析度的數位檔案也得以釋出使用。至於原生數位的影音媒材,經由許多人的幫助,我們得以和原始檔案的產製者聯繫,得其同意後收錄與此。這些影音檔案的產製者,許多已同意將這些檔案貢獻 到「公眾領域」 (Public Domain) ,或是以「創用CC授權」(Creative Commons Licenses) 方式釋出,在其授權條款的容許範圍內,公眾得以自由使用這些被授權的內容。但礙於頻寬等相關資訊的限制,目前僅開放線上瀏覽,如欲取得高解析度影片,請來信告知。


Before moving them to Academia Sinica, we have fully explained our intended purpose of preserving these historical materials to the leaders of the movement, and received their understanding and blessing. As these works were made by various authors and creators and we were under serious time constraint, we were unable to contact them on an individual basis to obtain their permission before the preservation work began. Collecting and digitizing these works certainly serves the purpose of preserving them for future research. But at the same time, it is hoped that by so doing we deepen our collective memory of this event. All these works are now being digitized, and transformed into a collection of high-resolution images. Currently, however, the archive website only features thumbnails, instead of their high-resolution images. New functions are being developed so that authors may identify their works online. After obtaining the permission for use from the authors, the high-resolution digital images will be made available to the general public.

As for the “born digital” materials we have acquired so far, we did contact the creators and obtained their permission to use these digital media. The creators either agreed to dedicate their works to the public domain, or to release them under the Creative Commons licenses, so that the general public can freely make use of these media files.

We wish to stress again that any use of the image files digitized from the original materials, as well as the born digital media files, should be in line with our intention in preserving these artifacts. They are for deepening our collective memory of the movement. Moral rights of the authors, as well as the privacy of individuals shown in these files, should be respected and honored. For details, please refer to the Terms of Use.

開源的系統 Open Source Systems

這項數位檔案典藏庫的目錄系統,係採用開放源碼套件 Drupal,並添增新功能。新增部份的程式碼原始檔案,日後在散佈此目錄系統的時候,將一併公開並採用 GPL 授權條款釋出 。

本專案放置於 Github 專案開發平台,網址如右側連結 https://github.com/318io/318-io,安裝步驟及說明請參考 install.md

The information systems supporting the 318 Civic Movement Archive and the exposition website are both implemented in Drupal, a free/libre open source software (FLOSS) package for content management, and with purposely built add-ons. The source code of these add-ons will also be released under the GPL when the source code of the websites is distributed.

參與人員 Project Participants


致謝 Acknowledgements

g0v 直播組、劉宇庭、音地大帝、張龍僑、李淑華、Michael_LI ,以及許多不具名的朋友。以上若有遺漏,請與我們聯繫,在此並敬表歉意

We sincerely apologize if we have missed anyone, and please do kindly inform us in such instance.