
Copyright Statuses


After reading and agreeing to abide by the Terms of Use, you may use or access all digital resources, data and information (hereafter the Contents) of the Website. Please however check the copyright status of each entry of the Contents, ensuring you fully understand and agree to comply with all the applicable legal constraints regarding your use of the Contents. You must not infringe those copyrights that are still under protection, and you agree to be personally held liable to any possible legal responsibility that might be incurred.

Regarding to the Contents on the Website, there are four different copyright statuses, listed as follows:

1、權利狀態不明 Unknown Copyrights Status

This content originates from artifacts or media files whose authors remain unknown. If the author could not be named after reasonable efforts, this work is said to be an orphan work. The author remains to be the owner of its copyright. You may only use the work on reasonable ground, and will be personally held liable to any legal risk and responsibility that might be incurred.

2. 權利人聲明保留 Copyrights Claimed and Reserved

After a work has been identified to be the work of certain persons, we will proceed with the proper licensing procedures. However, until the work can be licensed to the public for reuse, the copyright of the work remains to be owned by its authors, and theircopyrights in the work are therefore reserved. You may only use the work on reasonable ground, and will be personally held liable to any legal risk and responsibility that might be incurred.

3. 已採用公眾授權 Publicly Licensed (Creative Commons Licensed)

公眾授權是指實體文物或影音檔案已獲得原作者同意,採用「創用CC 3.0台灣」或其後版本的授權條款,將作品內容的部分著作權利授予公眾使用。創用CC授權條款共有六種,您必須注意欲使用的內容是採用何種創用CC授權條款。在遵守該條款賦予您的權利與限制之下,您即可更自由地在著作權及其鄰接權的層次,使用這些被授權的內容。
This means the authors of the work have released the work to the public under one of the Creative Commons 3.0 Taiwan licenses (or later versions). There are six Creative Commons licenses where each has its own terms. Therefore you must pay attention to the terms that are applicable to the content you wish to reuse. Abided by the conditions and restrictions of the terms, you may use the licensed contents.

4. 宣告為公眾領域 Dedicated to the Public Domain

該內容的權利人使用 CC0 「公眾領域貢獻宣告」,將其內容貢獻至「公眾領域」(Public Domain)。在我國著作權法許可的範圍內,該權利人已拋棄該內容依法所享有之所有相關與鄰接的法律權利。
The copyright owners have agreed to dedicate this content to the public domain by using the CC0 Public Domain Dedication. Within the jurisdiction of the copyright law of Taiwan, the copyright owners have agreed to waive all his copyrights and neighboring rights.